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Patient ID#: 2399

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This gentleman presented to Dr. Leong’s office with a complaint of protruding ears. He had been interested for many years in correcting the position of his ears. It was very important to him that his result look natural. He had seen examples of otoplasty results in which the ears were actually positioned too close to the side of the head and wanted to avoid this problem. Interestingly, he works in a profession where he needs to wear earphones over his ears for long periods of time for and he had noted his earphones would hurt is ears – he was hopeful to resolve this issue as well.

Frontal non-smiling:

The before pictures shows how both ears are protruding too far from the sides of the head. There are two major reasons why patient’s ears protrude. The first reason, and the majority of the issue for this patient, is that the conchal bowl cartilage (the cartilage near the opening to the ear canal) is too large. The second reason is that the antihelical fold (the fold near the outer edge of the ear) is under-developed. In this case, the protruding ears was mostly caused by an enlarged conchal bowl.


This picture was taken after the patient’s right otoplasty procedure was completed, but before the left ear was started. As you can see, the picture demonstrates the very significant difference in the position of the two ears. This patient chose to have the surgery performed under local anesthesia in the office with some oral sedation. Patients can also choose to have the surgery in the operating room under anesthesia.

The after-picture shows both ears in a natural and more aesthetically pleasing position several months after the surgery.

Smiling Frontal:

Right Lateral:

The lateral before and after pictures show the improved position of the ear, but also demonstrates all of the natural curves of the ear.

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